What Does a Military Uniform Include?

2019-06-01 317

Each branch of the DoD has four types of uniforms. All serve a specific purpose. Within each branch, there are some derivations, but for now, here’s what you need to know about the Army uniform.

Combat Uniform

Also called a Battle Dress Uniform- is what a Soldier wears while on active duty and deployed. The camouflaged patterned uniform includes a cover (or cap, as the civilians call it), a regulation t-shirt, pants, a jacket, socks, boots, and a belt. Soldiers can call these Class C uniforms.

Dress Uniform

Sometimes called Dress Blues or a Mess Dress, a Soldier wears to a ball or formal event. Expect to see these at ceremonial occasions. It includes a formal jacket, pants or a skirt, and dress shoes. Soldiers call these Class B uniforms.  

Fitness Uniform

PT uniforms are exactly like they sound. These are the clothes necessary for physical training (PT). Of course, no matter what you do, don’t leave home without your PT belt.

Service Uniform

Soldier wears this to the office if they’re not planning to be anywhere near the field. The Army recently released its latest uniform update, which includes the Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU). A throwback to WWII-era uniforms, this is what lots of Soldiers are wearing daily. Service members call these Class A uniforms.